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Budding or experienced climbers, those who prefer indoor climbing or lovers of beautiful limestone walls, there is something for everyone. Supervised by a high mountain guide or a climbing instructor, you can discover the activity indoors, then take your first steps on a cliff at the numerous climbing schools for beginners in Chambéry, in the Combe de Savoie, or around of Lake Bourget with its idyllic setting. If your beginnings are now far behind you, let's take the height and set off for large equipped routes or adventure terrain.


S'initier à l'escalade, c'est tout d'abord apprendre quelques consignes de sécurité de base pour la pratique du bloc ou de la falaise. Évidemment en voies, il faut apprendre à s'équiper, faire son nœud, assurer. Une fois ces règles établies, on peut commencer à grimper. Placer ses pieds, chercher des prises de main, trouver son équilibre et monter !


Multi-pitch is the possibility of reaching a summit by climbing, following an aesthetic route, accumulating several beautiful lengths of climbing to make the pleasure last. It's often a mix of all three. Hanging in your harness above "the gas", you climb onto the wall, a beautiful journey from bottom to top.

Are you looking for training for autonomy on long routes and rock runs? Consult the “Become Autonomous” page.


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