I offer mountain autonomy training courses for all activities. Consult the “Next dates” page to find the course that suits you. If it's not there, don't hesitate to write to me so we can find a date!
Avalanch safety - Train yourself in the use of your safety equipment (DVA/Shovel/Probe), in managing a group and managing risks in the mountains in winter. Knowledge of your equipment and its proper use, conducting a search for avalanche victims, well-established procedures and good group management are the key elements to ensure the survival of an avalanche.
Winter snowy terrain - Learn to read an avalanch and weather forecast report, prepare the route, study the snowpack and take terrain elements into consideration (slopes, accumulations, orientations, recent avalanches, etc.): all essential elements for good decision-making during a ski touring or snowshoe outing.

Bolted multi-pitch routes - Moving towards autonomy in multi-pitch routes. After a short passage on a cliff, we will set off on routes of several lengths, where you will first be second to learn, then leader...
Trad climbing - First steps - Autonomous on cliffs and on multi-pitch routes, you still lack a little confidence and practice to embark on "trad" alone. In 4 days, you will gradually get used to putting down your equipment, building a belay, climbing on friends and climbers.
Trad climbing - Improvement - Already introduced to the installation of protections, you want to take the step to really embark on trad routes. Four days to climb as much as possible on friends and wedges, in routes of several lengths.

Level 1 - Secure the team - A course to progress towards autonomy in mountaineering, and allow you to approach your next races more calmly by mastering the technical fundamentals specific to each mountain terrain. Go over all the basics in order to practice with pleasure and in safety.
Level 2 - Guide the team - Once you have acquired the basic techniques to ensure the safety of the rope, now learn to prepare for your race and adapt by integrating the different factors at play on an alpine route. A course for practitioners who are already independent, who wish to become real leaders of the rope.