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Your Guide


> I recommend you activities, itineraries and peaks best suited to your desires and your level.

> Let yourself be guided, and take full advantage of unique moments in mountain.

> Train yourself and progress in the many facets of skiing, climbing and mountaineering.

> Forget about the logistical details, I take care of the organization and the smooth running of the outings.

> Realize your projects in the mountains, and make your dreams come true!

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Baptiste Locatelli

Moutain guide, canyoning and climbing guide.

French, English, German, Italian

The mountain in the skin, the taste for sport in the genes. Parisian by birth but Savoyard at heart !


From an early age, my parents made me climb in Fontainebleau, took me in the baby backpack to see the Bossons glacier and hike at Lac Blanc, ski in Grand Bornand. My vocation was born there, since then my path is all mapped out. We move to Lyon to get closer to the Alps, then I leave the parental home to enter the mountain sport section in high school. Here I meet other passionate young teenagers with whom to learn, to build temper and body resistance. Among them, many are now my colleagues and mountain guide friends... Then Annecy, the University Technological Institure, where I devote several years to endurance sports, ski mountaineering and running. At the end of my bachelor, I leave France for one year and a half to settle in the Dolomites, in Bolzano, where I work at Salewa as a product developer.

Back in France for my master's degree in International Business, I am seriously getting back into climbing and mountaineering, finishing my mountaineering list with my lifelong rope companions. I leave my job as an export sales representative to try the mountain guide school test, which I succeed. The fear and apprehension that made me doubt about this profession have now disappeared. For sure it's my way, I found the right route and will never leave it.

I now live in the Chambéry valley, from where I can easily radiate winter and summer throughout the French, Swiss, Italian and Austrian Alps, in search of massifs and routes to discover. Main goal: not the same route twice in the season ! In love with our mountains and the Alpine countries, their cultures and their languages, I like the great immersive and wild crossings on skis, the aesthetics of a rocky ridge, the technicality of a climbing route. The exploration of the Alps, the transmission of my passion and the sincere relationship that I establish with my clients are the heart of my motivation for this job.

In order to remain efficient technically, physically and in my decision-making, I maintain a good personal practice of mountaineering, climbing and skiing, for my greatest pleasure. I will be happy to meet you in the mountains, slippers on your feet, ice ax in hand or on skis, to share beautiful moments together up there !


A little nod to my career, I now accompany the high school students of Moûtiers in their mountain training. The circle is complete, and back where it began, I am happy to help these young enthusiasts, to realize their dreams.

I am committed to passing on my passion for nature and mountain sports. I want to help my clients to carry out their projects, whatever the discipline and their level, from medium to high mountain. I seek to remain consistent in my environmental approach by offering experiences rich in sensations, locally as much as possible. All year round, I survey the French, Italian and Austrian Alps, the Pyrenees... However, I still - and fortunately - have so much to discover! I always marvel at nature by taking the path behind my house, though I believe I know it by heart...


Ils m'ont fait confiance

Encore merci pour ce beau souvenir de la traversée du Roc des Bœufs, malgré des contraintes météo imprévues. Tu as vu juste! Un moment magique, suspendu…

On s’est senti en sécurité grâce à ton accompagnement et ton professionnalisme.

et on est fiers d’avoir réussi dans un temps record!

À bientôt pour de futures sorties,




Raid à ski dans l'Oberland 2024 : Encore mille fois merci, Baptiste, d’avoir sauvé notre balade. Très bonne continuation à toutes et tous. Claude.



Cher baptiste. Un très grand merci pour ces 3 journées exceptionnelles ! Les ados sont rentrés heureux ! Et moi g tout aimé : la diversité des différents canyons, les différents massifs explorés, les marches d’approche et le fait d’avoir été pris en charge par une main de maître ! Bravo ! À bientôt.



Encore merci pour tout, c'était top Baptiste et à bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures 😉 Ce matin j'ai encore des étoiles plein la tête 😉 A bientôt, Cédric



Hello Baptiste top ton site bravo !

Merci pour ces 2 journées on s est fait plaisir.

On reste en contact pour d autres sorties.

Bon week end et bon réveillon. Christophe



Salut Baptiste, merci beaucoup pour aujourd'hui c'était une très belle journée dans des endroits dingues ! Ravi d'avoir les photos quand tu as un moment.

A bientôt, Maxime



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